Sides: You should leave between ½” to 1″ of clearance between the walls and cabinetry. Rear: You should leave a minimum of 1″, and preferably 2″ of clearance. Typically, because of the electrical or water connection, this will help push the fridge out slightly away from the wall, but 1-2 Inches is ideal.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, do refrigerators need air space around them? Ventilation Space Air has to be able to circulate around the refrigerator to help it run efficiently and last its full life span. Make sure you have these minimum fridge clearances: 2 inches between the back wall and the back of the fridge. 1 inch above the fridge.Similarly, how much space do I need to open a French door refrigerator? Push the refrigerator away from the perpendicular wall so there is at least 2 1/2 inches of space between the side of the refrigerator and the wall to allow for the French door to swing open, as another French door manufacturer, KitchenAid, suggests. Similarly, how much space do I need around my fridge? Remember to leave 25 mm of free space around the top, back and sides to allow for the heat produced during refrigeration to escape. Be sure to also measure clearance (entryways, doorways etc.) to ensure that when your fridge is delivered it will fit safely into the home, and your old fridge can be safely removed.How much space should be between an island and a fridge?The island overlaps the middle line between the fridge/freezer by about 10 inches to the right. So basically 20 inches of the fridge side has nothing in front of it. The area in front of the pantry/freezer/fridge is strictly a walkway and place to open fridge.